26 Mayıs 2019 Pazar

QR Code

Hey everyone! You may ask the strange square below. It is a QR code of my blog. Now I will give some information about it. What is QR code and why is it important?QR codes were first created back in 1994. A Toyota subsidiary named denso Wave developed the code in order to help in the manufacturing process, they aided in tracking vehicles and parts. It was designed to allow for fast decoding speeds, hence the name Quick Response code. 
QR codes have come a long way since their creation. Today they have a number of purposes including transport ticketing, entertainment, commercial tracking, and product marketing. You can find them being used to send audiences to a website for browsing, to bookmark a webpage, to initiate phone calls, produce links to web URL's etc.
It is fast to produce and use. So, I tried it myself. Here is the QR code of one of my favorite songs. Scan it and have a nice moment: 

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